AHK Uruguay

Circular Economy in focus: Tackling challenges in waste management in Uruguay

Grant recipient

DIHK Service GmbH


  • German-Uruguayan Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • CEMPRE (Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje)
  • Fideicomiso del PGE



06/01/2020 to 12/31/2020

Priority areas

  • Circular economy
  • Sustainable urban and regional development

Funding priority

Feasibility study abroad

Target countries


The Uruguayan government passed a law on waste management in September 2019, which is generally based on the principle of extended producer responsibility. The new law on waste management presents many opportunities and challenges for Uruguayan producers, consumers and society. Instead of a concept focused on sales, an approach must be taken that focuses on the entire life cycle of a product.

The idea of ​​ the project was to analyse the current developments in the circular economy in Uruguay in relation to plastic packaging recovery in the context of the new law. A German expert then carried out a feasibility study on the possibilities of implementing economical and sustainable systems for plastic packaging recovery. Specific recommendations for action were given both in a cross-stakeholder exchange in the form of a workshop, and in a bilingual publication in which the results of the feasibility study were published digitally.

This closed a knowledge gap, enabled the exchange between experts and decision-makers, approached solutions on the way to the circular economy and the sustainable implementation of the extended producer responsibility, and showed German SMEs business opportunities in the field of environmental technologies.


Franca Honty German-Uruguayan Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Foreign trade and sustainability
Pza. Independencia 831 of. 201
UY-11100 Montevideo, Uruguay
+598 2901 1803 Email

More information

Project website (available in German and Spanish)