AHK Cuba 2

German environmental technologies and local expertise for Cuba as well as the Central America and Caribbean region

Grant recipient

DIHK Service GmbH



01/01/2023 to 04/30/2024

The countries of Central American and Caribbean (CAC) are increasingly recognizing fundamental local problems in water and waste management. However, they often lack the relevant know-how on possible solutions and access to finance. German companies offer innovative technologies, but are not very active in the region so far. This is mainly due to the geographical and cultural distance, including the existing language barriers, as well as the supposedly small market potential. Cuba has a surplus of well-trained engineers and technicians in the field of environmental technologies. The country also has far-reaching experience in sending skilled workers to the region as a whole and beyond.

The approach of the AHK Cuba was therefore to involve already well-trained Cuban technicians in the implementation and maintenance of German environmental technologies. For this purpose, the AHK Cuba first identified a local pilot project with a concrete need for the use of environmental technology in the field of circular economy and/or water / wastewater management. With the support of a Cuban training partner, a training concept was then developed to provide further training and certification for selected Cuban technicians at a demonstration plant using German technology on site. The pilot project was intended to demonstrate best practice examples and build up professional qualifications in the Cuban environmental sector. The certified specialists can thus act as multipliers by offering their services in Cuba and other countries of the CAC region and training further specialized personnel. The project thus fosters cooperation opportunities for a sustainable and supra-regional training programme in the GreenTech sector. 

By expanding the existing Green-Tech platform (www.greentechcuba.com) to the Cuba and the region, both awareness for German environmental technologies will be raised and at the same time the interest of German technology providers for the CAC countries will be aroused.


Dianeisy Delgado López German Office for the Promotion of Trade and Investment in Cuba
Miramar Trade Center
Edificio Jerusalen, Of. 204
Calle 3a esq. 80
Miramar, Havanna, Kuba
+53 7 204 7496 Email