
Inter-municipal, resource-efficient, sustainable wastewater- and circular economy concept in BiH

Grant recipient

  • T&T Business Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • InfraRes GmbH


  • Weichert Consult
  • Sachsen Wasser GmbH
  • Government of the Canton of Central Bosnia
  • Ministry of Economy Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Internationale Universität Travnik, UNI Sarajewo



07/01/2020 to 06/30/2023

Priority areas

  • Circular economy
  • Water and waste water management

Funding priority

Pilot and model projects abroad

Target countries

Bosnia and Herzegovina

T&T and InfraRes, together with their respective subcontractors WeichertConsult (WeCo) and Sachsenwasser (SaWa), planed the implementation and further development of the sustainable waste management concept (WMC) (completed in late summer 2019) to a circular economy concept (CEC) for a total of 11 municipalities in three neighbouring valleys in the canton of Central Bosnia. Thereby, joint on-site and professional expertise, as well as experience from the past project were used. At the same time, the project aimed to create a concept study for an integrated wastewater management concept (WWC), adapted to local conditions. To ensure long-term and sustainable implementation of the concept as well as compliance with environmental standards, accompanying measures in the areas of knowledge transfer and capacity building were developed, including suggestions for suitable forms of environmental infrastructures management. Additionally, the concepts’ implementation was accompanied by the project team, including the application of German recycling, disposal, and water technology. All works (concept extension from WMC to CEC, implementation, concept study of WWC, accompanying actions) were developed in close collaboration with local stakeholders. The inter-communal cooperation was organized in the form of inter-communal purpose agreements. Ultimately, this work was supposed to result in integrated concepts that will be adopted by all municipal councils and approved by the cantonal government. Both the CEC and the concept study for a WWC benefit around 230.000 inhabitants and can serve as blueprints for other municipalities, neighbouring cantons, nationwide in BuH, and even the western Balkans. To enable this diffusion, a guideline for actions (in German, Bosnian, and partly in English) based on experience and expertise from the past projects wias developed for German and Bosnian actors towards the end of the project.

Compared to the individual projects, a joint processing of the consolidated projects comes with the following advantages: more extensive services for the local partners; delegation trips, capacity building for the companies, as well as R&D are extended to both areas; potentials for synergies between waste and wastewater are exploited; comprehensive environmental education is extended, improving conditions for compliance with environmental standards; presence and hence position of German actors on site is strengthened.


Holger Tschense T&T Business Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Managing director
Humboldstr. 4
04105 Leipzig
+49 341 97-43192 Email