Green China III

Sino-German City Lab on Urban Regeneration Strategies for China’s Mega-Cities

Grant recipient

D.A.V.I.D. Deutsche Architekten Verlags- und Informationsdienste GmbH


  • dena Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH
  • ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership (SGUP)
  • Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD)
  • Constellations International GmbH
  • Partner city Tianjin
  • Partner city Harbin



06/01/2020 to 12/31/2021

Priority areas

Sustainable urban and regional development

Funding priority

International networking

Target countries


The project GREEN CHINA III was dedicated to the topic of sustainable urban regeneration in China and the question of how German architects and urban planners and Chinese cities can benefit from cooperations in this field. The aim of the project was to continue and deepen the exchange of knowledge on strategies for sustainable urban development and regeneration between German and Chinese stakeholders initiated in the previous projects GREEN CHINA I and II. To this end, a four-week digital "Sino-German City Lab" was designed in which German architects and urban planners and Chinese city representatives as well as industry experts exchanged their experiences and expertise in sustainable urban regeneration in the form of videos, podcasts, articles and live webinars. Through their participation in the City Lab, Chinese cities received development and revitalization strategies for fallow or underdeveloped neighbourhoods. They learned which measures could be implemented with German support and what experience German architects have had with urban renewal projects. The aim was to further promote and support the establishment of environmental technologies and standards on the Chinese market. For their part, the German participants of the City Lab learned what developments there have been in the field of sustainable urban renewal in China since the GREEN CHINA II project in 2018, what new political frameworks have been established and what needs have developed on the Chinese side since then. Through the exchange with Chinese city representatives, they also learned how to meet these needs. In the project, the increasing technical concretization and stronger practical orientation of the predecessor projects was continued and existing contacts were intensified as well as new contacts were established.


Claudia Sanders D.A.V.I.D. Deutsche Architekten
Verlags- und Informationsdienste GmbH
Askanischer Platz 4
10963 Berlin
+49 30 2639 44-62 Email