AHK New Zealand

Green hydrogen (focus on decentralized and off-grid power supply) for hotels and other tourist properties in the Pacific islands

Grant recipient

DIHK Service GmbH


  • German consulates on the islands
  • Local ministries (economy, energy, climate protection, environment and tourism) on the islands
  • GIZ office in Fiji



01/01/2023 to 03/31/2024

Priority areas

Green hydrogen/fuel cell technologies

Funding priority

Initial projects

Target countries

Cook Island, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa

Within the project’s scope, an environmental analysis including regulatory framework, H2 roadmap, existing activities and stakeholders in the target market Pacific Islands (represented by AHK New Zealand) will be prepared to present the potential for renewable energy-fed green hydrogen projects and their possible generation. Furthermore, the possibility of a primary power supply in decentralized island grids, system integration of grid replacement systems with hydrogen fuel cells and the use for a decentralized and/or off-grid environmentally friendly energy supply for hotels and other tourist objects on the Pacific islands will also be included in this consideration, to crystallize out two locations and present them through workshops. Furthermore, a presentation of German technologies via webinars and information brochures in the target markets, an initial assessment of replicability and scalability, and a presentation to further local stakeholders will take place.

The project aims to analyze the potential of renewable, green hydrogen projects, their generation, the system integration of grid replacement systems with hydrogen fuel cells and their use for a decentralized and/or off-grid environmentally friendly energy supply for hotel and other tourist properties on the Pacific Islands. The aim is to provide interested German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an understanding of the current situation in the Pacific Island Countries (PIC) markets, their leading players and the legal and political framework conditions. The environment analysis to be prepared for this purpose will focus on relevant information about selected island regions' hotels and tourist resorts, related political and technical needs and market opportunities. Insights from interviews with industry experts will also be incorporated. The study will also serve as a preparatory basis for concept development by AHK New Zealand and as a basis for discussion in workshops and webinars with German and selected companies, organizations and other relevant stakeholders of the respective PIC. A pre-selection of possible application examples and locations is made in seminars and preceding analyses. Location analyses will be conducted for one to two of the identified application examples, presenting the technical and economic framework conditions for a technology introduction. They will be given to potential consortium partners. The focus will be on the cooperation of German companies, institutions, associations and research centers of the PIC. The goal is to develop a strategy for German SMEs that can support the development of hydrogen-based, decentralized and off-grid electricity networks with their technologies. In addition, an initial assessment of replicability or scalability will be given and presented to further local stakeholders.


Iris Heinz German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Inc. +64 9304 0120