Waste to energy in Brazil

Grant recipient

  • envitecpro GmbH
  • IBS Technik GmbH
  • BN Umwelt GmbH


  • Environmental technology network enviMV (DE)
  • Waste Association proamb (BR)
  • Municipality of Bento Gonçalves (BR)
  • Ministry of the Environment Rio Grande do Sul SEMA (BR)
  • Approval authority FEPAM (BR)
  • University Univates Lajeado (BR)



10/01/2020 to 06/30/2023

In emerging countries such as Brazil, about 90% of the waste is landfilled. The recovery of the material or energy is used only to a very limited extent secondary raw materials are hardly recovered. The raw material economy is mostly linear there is no systematic, standardized circular economy for organizing the reuse of resources. Thermal utilization such as a waste-to-energy plants is state of the art in Germany and Europe and has been proven for decades. There are currently 30 power plants for RDF (refuse derived fuel) and 68 power plants for the incineration of residual waste in operation in Germany. The feasibility study demonstrates the feasibility of the German-standard of the thermal utilization process for hospital, industrial and municipal waste in the Brazilian municipality of Bento Gonçalves for the decentralized production of electricity and steam. The technical, environmental, economic, administrative and legal aspects of a waste-to-energy solution was analysed. The treatment plant was planned and implemented together with German companies. This concept for the region of Bento Gonçalves will be used as a role model and flagship project in other states in Brazil and in other countries in South America. The project also raises the awareness and qualify the local target groups (waste treatment organizations, community, population) so that less waste is produced. The early involvement of the stakeholder resolves potential concerns about a technical solution. Overall, the goal was to improve sustainably the environmental situation in South America.


Dipl.-Kffr. Silvia Kohlmann envitecpro GmbH
Am Wendebecken 5a
18119 Rostock
+49 172 7717190 Email